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 Testimonials for Jon Cotton
The Fire Within, Inc.

 Testimonials for David Wolfe
Nature's First Law, Inc

 What people are saying about Jon Cotton, The Fire Within and Ignite the Fire Within Seminars:
"Very inspirational and motivating. Jon is not only the best Firewalking teacher, he is a powerful motivating speaker as well. You don't have to walk on coals to experience The Fire Within. Just being there and feeling the energy of the group can be just enough. I relate this to a man and woman having a baby. She actually experiences having the baby, but he feels the same energy from this experience also. Thank you once again." - Kelly Kap, Independent Marketer


"I can feel totally free... I am empowered beyond my wildest dreams! Excellent - he's able to cut right to the point - the heart of what life is truly about." - Cathy Ochs, Physician Assistant


"It opens your eyes to new opportunities. You can accomplish anything you put your mind to. It revitalized my belief in miracles." - Mike Bullen, Chief Financial Officer


"If you can do this, it's amazing what else you can do." - Phil Donahue on the Donahue Show


"The feeling of everyone here. Their support and love...is empowering. Jon was down to earth and inspiring." - Carol Berandi, Network Marketer
"I am grateful for your gift of giving and emptying yourself so that others may be able to be filled up. I can honestly say that it has been such a long time that I have woken up with so much energy and enthusiasm for the day." - Dawn Davis, Physical Therapist
"On the walk this year I would have to say that the most touching and moving experience I had was in seeing a nine year old girl being part of this fantastic experience and opening herself to the real wonder and magic that is part of this life, instead of closing off and starting to build the barriers of disbelief that I myself started to make at around that age and am only now at 46 starting to undo. This sight brought tears of joy to my eyes and a lightness to my heart that is hard to describe. (Jon) has helped to show me a way for my life to change and transform into something beautiful. I cannot think of any way that I can ever really pay him back for that, other than to pass this gift on to all who will listen." - Don Sands, Computer Tech Support
"The most touching experience was the bond of happiness and positive energy everyone shared. I can go forth with a positive and healthy attitude. Awesome!" - Orlando Abreu, NYCTA Dispatcher
"I can't imagine it any better! I feel transformed and catapulted into a new reality." - Lourdes Pollock, Exercise Physiologist
"Jon Cotton is awesome! His ability to get people 'out of the box' is so much needed in today's society. 99.9% of mankind needs this training. Our world perpetuates mediocrity and limitation. People need to realize that it is very simple to change." - Kevin Kearns, Network Marketing
"Jon is a sincere, inspirational man and I thoroughly enjoyed how he taught the seminar. (I was) unable to stop talking about it...I want to tell the world and share my excitement." - Noreen Seeders, Network Marketing
"It was a life changing, emotional experience for me. The last time I was as proud of my accomplishment was 14 years ago at the birth of my daughter." - Debra Mouton, Marketing Agent
"Now I know I can do anything." - Eileen Ammiavo, Marketing Associate
"...enlightening! And because it's conducted in a gentle and non-threatening environment, the seminar opens up a person's mind." - Luba Osada, Marketing Coordinator
"The entire seminar was a 'peak' experience. I can't remember ever feeling so energized at such a high level for such a long period of timetruly a heart opening experience." - Lorrie Hanke, self employed
"Very personal, not like a lecture or seminar, but like an experience together." - Lewis Falwell, Quality Control Technician
"The love and connection with people will stay with me forever. Jon is a very dynamic speaker. He kept me attentive the whole time for 7 hours. This...seminar...will change your life forever." - Julio Toribio, 7th degree Blackbelt, Seibukan Jujitsu Founder
"I have gained a degree of compassion, acceptance, and understanding for my fellow man that I didn't possess before. Impeccable. It's an incredibly fulfilling and positive experience. It was without a doubt the most fulfilling thing I have ever done. It was small enough to develop a level of intimacy that I don't believe I have ever experienced with a group of people before in my life. The weekend was 'electrifying'. I was able to get a glimpse of myself as I strive to be, the person I am attempting to evolve into. That was very inspiring for me. I saw myself exuding total self-confidence and love, in a state of harmony with the world. There was an aura of warmth, love and intimacy in that room that I really don't think I've ever experienced before. I will never forget without a doubt the most incredible weekend of my life." - Rex White, Stationary Engineer
"I expect to live a limitless healthy abundant life with high energy! To use what I learned to help others change their lives!" - Cathy Myers, Massage Therapist
"Outstanding!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! and God bless!" - Renea C.Stewart, Network Marketing
"It awakened and rescued my husband from couch potato status. It may save a marriage. Jon is a powerful, energetic, polished speaker and leader." - Diane Kaufman, Motivational Speaker
"I have so much respect and admiration for what he does for people." - Kimberly Brickei, Massage Therapist
"Jon is energetic and an energy-giving person. He has a humane style of transferring knowledge to help us achieve the best and being our true selves. It is a life changing seminar." - Saleh Aldossary, Student
"The enormity of heart and soul you put into creating and manifesting the vision of this past weekend were just amazing. Every single detail was orchestrated to perfection. (It was) truly an honor to be part of your brilliant creation. Thank you for the divine gift of your Ignite The Fire Weekend. It was indeed above and beyond anything I could have possibly imagined. I am so grateful that I can now carry your gracious gift of love and light into the world." - Anne Ewing, Homemaker
What people are saying about David Wolfe, his book the Sunfood Diet Success System and David Wolfe's Eden Retreats:
"Eden Hot Springs is incredible. What an incredible secret! An all-raw retreat center with so many pools  the place is breathtaking. The hiking, the yoga in the 100-year old hotel, the mud baths! Sheer joy!  David Wolfe has truly synthesized an incredible diet and brought it here to this retreat center. I very highly recommend your retreats to everyone." - Richard Chisholm, Investor, San Diego, California
 "Thank you for the Best Weekend Ever! I had a lot of fun and was really inspired. David and Sequoia, you two make a great team, and presented a wonderful workshop. I really look forward to seeing you again and being around your awesome energy!" - Elaine Nigro, raw-living-foods chef Los Gatos, California
"David, I think of the retreat weekend often. I am thinking about also attending your next retreat, because your weekend retreat earlier this month was just so cleansing and purifying. Your presence in this world makes a huge difference. Thank you again for touching my life in such a powerful and positive way." - Sandra Banker, Mountain View, California
"David Wolfe has synthesized a first class methodology for transitioning to and attaining limitless health and success on every level. With unyielding courage and compassion, David has removed the veils, pitfalls, and obstacles which keep us from achieving our full potential. He shares the simple, yet profound, truth of eating naturally. Put The Sunfood Diet Success System to work for you right now and start enjoying the results immediately." - Jason Aberbach, director of the Living Community Center in Tucson, Arizona
"The philosophy and teachings of The Sunfood Diet Success System are terrific. The foundational law is the key understanding of the book: "one thing does lead to another." David Wolfe, in a beautifully authentic way, plants the awareness of the power of a live-food diet and healthy thinking that is transforming to each individual and to the very planet itself." - Gabriel Cousens, M.D., author of Conscious Eating
"This book is amazing. It encompasses the entire field of raw foods. It answers every question." - Barbara Rogers, herbalist, Las Vegas, Nevada
"I recently read The Sunfood Diet Success System and I must say it is the best book I've read on the subject of the living-foods lifestyle. You have encompassed the practical, physical, and spiritual and have related it in a way the "mainstream" can understand. It is obvious you have tapped into the infinite source that connects us all. What a wonderful thing, to have found your "calling" as such a young age and had the maturity to follow your inner intuition toward higher consciousness." - Cheryl Stoycoff, author of Raw Kids and Soul Speak, Stockton, California
"This breakthrough book The Sunfood Diet Success System not only demonstrates a profound understanding of Nature's physical laws of health-building, but also masterfully integrates the under-recognized motivational, mental, and emotional components needed to create overall success in life. A unique contribution to the field and I highly recommend it to all success seekers." - Viktoras Kulvinskas, M.S., author of Survival Into The 21st Century
"I must write you and tell you how much I love your new book, The Sunfood Diet Success System. It is truly the book I've always been looking for. After reading hundreds of books in my never-ending quest for truth, other than the Bible, yours is the most valuable book I've ever read. It just puts it all together.  You will certainly rank among the most important writers in the health and success fields. I put you write up there with Arnold Ehret." - Anita O,Neill, Corona del Mar, California
"Dear David, Thank you. I am sending you profound, heart-felt thanks. You are a genuine leader. Authentic. The Real Deal. I sense this. I know this. A true inspiration and a pleasure to behold. You have a Great Mind and you are pure and generous with your message. Thank you."  - Christina, New York
"Raw food and Sun food and the loving compassion of a few good friends have helped guide me on this new unburdened path of wellness and health. I never felt like I was missing out on any foods that used to taste good to me, instead I have replaced any sugary foods and bad foods with raw foods that taste even better.
   I now do beautiful things for "me" daily, I get enough rest and I also walk several miles daily "effortlessly." I have more energy, and my outlook on life has become uplifting and affects the lives of others around me for the betterment of their personal lives. The web site http://www.rawfood.com, is a beautifully worked, friendly, and most informative site." - Antar, Sedona, Arizona
"David, just a word of blessings. I want to honor you. Your book is wonderful, resourceful, well written, and beautiful. I have feelings of being proud of a divine brother. I am giving thanks for your time here and the beauty that your soul emanates. In Love and Light." - Shakti Maya, Lutz, Florida
"David, supreme job on the book. Thank you.  Somewhere around page 75-80 I really got inspired. Liked the beginning and also the format, action steps, quotes, poems, and references to people and their books. My favorite parts were: when you talked about Sergie's experience and the Russian family, your experience in the wild food chapter about the kids and the coyote, excellent chapter about hybrid food and the Sun. Lessons 27-29 are really, really good. Lesson 24 on the power of association is very important. Yes indeed olives!
   Great statistics. I had no idea they were that good. The lesson on fasting very necessary. Perfect. The lesson on doing what you love to do was fantastic, especially the action steps. The Heightened Prosperity poem was great to see in writing. The paragraph on Buster Douglas in the lesson on persistence was very touching. Good stuff. The poem Some Do, Some Don't is absolutely amazing.  Over 500 pages in 10 days of fluid simple magic cover to cover.
   Now I am studying, taking action, and gracefully healing. This book is the most complete work I have ever read. I never sailed through a book so easily. It is nice to know and respect the author. Thanks for everything." - Scott Brodie, San Diego, California

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CallThe Fire Within Seminars:

(510) 653-FIRE (3473) for info and to register for the New Year's Arizona Retreat 2001


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